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Welcome to the third and final workshop in this Rapid Training Package. This workshop is aimed to teach the beginner-friendly basics of working within the Rapid Explorer experience.


In the previous training package, we discussed the following:

  • How to navigate inside items on a table
  • How to see the files and activity history that is contained within each item
  • How items can be linked together to build connections between tables
  • How to create new items, or edit and delete existing items in your Rapid site

Topics Covered

In this training package, we will learn about the following key concepts:

  • What tasks are, and why they are important
  • Creating, editing, and deleting tasks
  • Tasks can be automatically generated by processes

This demonstration uses the Tasks table from our Rapid Business product.

If you haven't purchased Rapid Business, you will still benefit from this training, because the tasks table is packaged with all version of Rapid Platform by default.

Further Documentation

Each of these topics above are also covered in our User Manual documentation. However, this training package will aim to introduce each of these topics clearly and quickly. At the bottom of each lesson, several links to the User Manual will be provided if you would like additional information.